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The Environment, Green Technology and Engineering Internathttp://www.egteic.com/

Fecha Inicio 08:30 - miércoles 20 junio 2018
Duración 13 Horas
Fecha Fin 21:30 - miércoles 20 junio 2018
Aula Servicios Generales - Sala de Juntas
Última Actualización 10:47 - miércoles 18 abril 2018
Creada por santiferro
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Tipo Evento
Descripción The Environment, Green Technology and Engineering International Conference (EGTEIC) was conceived to address the challenges our planet is facing today, to share and discuss proposals and research that can help us to build more resilient technologies, and to draw insights and encourage collaboration from many topics, disciplines, and backgrounds, to tackle these challenges.

Our aim is to share experiences and knowledge related to the use of natural resources, covering a wide range of critically important topics.

EGTEIC is an international forum where researchers, environmentalists, scientists, scholars and students, share their ideas, experiences, advancements, and research results about all aspects related to energy, environmental science, and green technologies. We also want to discuss the practical challenges encountered, and their possible solutions.
Estado de aprobación Aprobada
Tipo Repetición Ninguna